The issue you're going to have with this build is the transformer. If you ask Mike Bendinelli at Mesa why they've never reissued such a massively popular amp, he'll tell you that the amp doesn't sound the same without the large 105 transformers they used. All the remaining stock was used up early in the Mark III run. I don't know enough about transformers to know why a transformer from the early 1980's can't be duplicated. Doesn't mean it wouldn't sound good with another transformer, but that's why an official reissue has never been released.
I'm sure you could use another Mark-series transformer, but getting an exact custom-built copy of the original would probably be extremely expensive. I don't think anyone would build just one, you'd probably have to order a minimum quantity. If Andrea were interested in pursuing that, I bet he could sell all of them over on the Mesa Boogie forum. Those guys have been trying to put together a Mark IIC+ kit for a while now.
The issue you're going to have with this build is the transformer. If you ask Mike Bendinelli at Mesa why they've never reissued such a massively popular amp, he'll tell you that the amp doesn't sound the same without the large 105 transformers they used. All the remaining stock was used up early in the Mark III run. I don't know enough about transformers to know why a transformer from the early 1980's can't be duplicated. Doesn't mean it wouldn't sound good with another transformer, but that's why an official reissue has never been released.