Does anyone have a layout for full wave rectifier on the British Board? I am using a Classic Tone 40-18053 which I thought was 350V CT, per the specification sheet. It is actually 180/180, giving me a meager 260V DC on the B+. I see the British board has eyelets on both sides of D1/D2 so seems easy enough to run the AC 180/180 for full wave rectification. I am not seeing any layouts available for the full wave, but it does appear that someone inadvertently wired it that way in the past. Maybe these layouts were removed?
I believe I should ground the + end of D1/D2 and put the AC on the - end of D1/D2
Are there cap changes for the full wave rec?
Should I use two 100uf caps in series instead of one 50uf, and connect the CT between them? Or leave the CT disconnected? (see spec sheet)
Is the full wave intended to use diodes at D5/D6 in addition to D1-4? Why are D5/D6 on the board?
I should have said Full Wave “Bridge” Rectifier in this post, sorry for the confusion. Anyway hooked it up, without tubes I am getting 495v on B+ with the Variac set to 105-110AC. When I go up to 115-120AC it is 505v or a bit higher. I’m a little worried this will be too high. Going to throw in some old crappy tubes see if the load brings it down. Wonder if I can throw in a resistor between C16 and C17? Thoughts?