The LM7812 handles a range of input voltages, the 6V doubled will give you enough to rectify and feed the regulator. I thought it was on the low side and went with a 12V transformer, which doubled is still well within the regulator range. Working in my case, thought about converting the doubler to just rectify but seemed like more work for no reason.
I have the same question, well, basically. Seems like you would be able to bypass the voltage doubler and simply rectify from AC to DC. @wdra65 Did you figure out a way to get around this?
I have not solved issue. Please keep me posted if you figure it out. I put this project on hold over summer and am going to get back into it this winter. Bill D.
Hi- I have just finished my 102 build using the board. I think there are spots to attach either a 6V power supply or a 12V power supply. I used an outboard 6V supply myself. Others may chime in on this.
The LM7812 handles a range of input voltages, the 6V doubled will give you enough to rectify and feed the regulator. I thought it was on the low side and went with a 12V transformer, which doubled is still well within the regulator range. Working in my case, thought about converting the doubler to just rectify but seemed like more work for no reason.
I have the same question, well, basically. Seems like you would be able to bypass the voltage doubler and simply rectify from AC to DC. @wdra65 Did you figure out a way to get around this?
Hi- I have just finished my 102 build using the board. I think there are spots to attach either a 6V power supply or a 12V power supply. I used an outboard 6V supply myself. Others may chime in on this.