So, I started my fire up procedures on my Blackeye 50 Deluxe build - and unfortunately I suffered a catastrophic capacitor failure.
First start up was with the standby off, no tubes in the build. I checked voltages for the switching and DC heaters - running steady at 12v DC. checked voltages out of the secondary to the standby switch...I was getting approximately 350v a side. Which was perfect. Shut the amp down. took a breath.
Then fired back up again. checked voltages again. This time I flipped a switch. Started to check voltages on the rectified voltage. Saw approximately 496. Which was definitely higher than expected, but the amp had no tubes - so without the tube load, I fully expected the PT to put off more stout voltages.
Then I shut off the amp again. Watched the voltages drain off the caps.
Fired up the amp again. Started checking voltages again, but I heard a sound and decided to turn off the amp again. a few seconds later....BANG!!!
C32 blew up ...and when I mean blow up, I mean there was paper and oil everywhere...and the can that used to be the capacitor was sitting next to the PI socket....blown completely out of the board. The axial leads still soldering in, but no cap connected to them.
Obviously, a setback and I wont be deterred.....But Im still scratching my head at this. I started tracing out every connection with my multimeter (which I did before this) and hopefully, I find something I missed. I'm hoping to find something wrong with my wiring, because that will put my mind at ease that a new cap will function OK.
One thing I did notice, was the ground point near the input. Not sure this is related....but do I need to be jumpering the CH lug with the ground point?
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated!

Hey folks. A follow up. I've replaced all of the filter caps with brand new ones...and I still feel like I have the same issue.
One thing Im noticing is that I am dealing with very high voltage. Like 630-640v off that first filter cap (C34/C35) and 550v at C32. Now granted, this is without a tube load, but that still seems extremely high. Part of me thought that maybe tubes in the amp would bring down the voltages some....So I decided to put some spare tubes into the amp to see if the voltages get pulled down any....that was a hasty idea, because as soon as I flipped the standby, poof - I blew the mains fuse. OK, time to back off of that idea.
So I'm wondering outloud if I have a short on my B+ rail....could that result in the higher voltages, forcing a stronger draw? I traced continuity to ground with my DMM from practically every component on the B+ rail...and it all seems good. Also, the 630-640v on that first filter cap has me completely scratching my head. The most I should be getting after the SS diodes, should be 495 or so. - since I'm getting 350 a side on my HV secondary. One thing thats even nuttier, is that with the srtandby off, the HV secondaries are 350v. But with the standby on - the secondaries drop down to 300v or slightly lower....How am I getting more than 600v rectified DC on that first C34/C35 capacitor, with 300V per side on the secondaries. It doesn't make any sense.
Would love to hear some recommendations, if someone has any. I'm stumped!!!
Well an update....I've been through the amp/layout multiple times with magnifiers and continuity testers. Traced out pretty much every connection. The amp looks good.
Mustve been a leaky or faulty cap. Going to replace and hope for the best.
Anyone know what I should be doing regarding that ground near the input jack?