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Express Combo 1 x 12
In Show us your builds!
Sep 14, 2024
Hi Folks , Haven't been here for a while , an update on the Express build after 9 months, spent a bit of time going through it these last couple of days , been having issues with volume and bias (again) . found two problems that combined made it very frustrating to nut out . the volume was not as loud as you'd expect , I could play it with the volume at noon and it didn't tear your head off, It WAS running a set of Mullard reissue EL34's , Checked the bias - cold again - yet it hadn't been played for 4 months , rebiased to 70% and the volume came back nicely , played it for a bit and as the tubes heated up/settled the bias shifted again , from 44mA to over 55mA , reset again and now the volume had dropped back to before . As I had the screwdriver in the bias pot i watch the bias meter jumping all over the place ... aha ... dodgy bias pot , so I swapped it out for another pcb mounted pot (different brand) worked well for a while, then started doing the same thing .... frustrating , tried another but ended up removing the PCB mounted ones and put the old Fender CTS 10k pot on the chassis and ran some wires (needed to change the value of the 47k bias resistor to compensate for the pot now being 10k ) this seemed to fix it , biased the Mullards again and left the amp on for 4 hours to monitor it ... at 2 hours it was fine - 44mA but at 4 hours it went up to 55mA , then one tube was 55mA and the other was 0mA , then went back to both at 44mA . I wiggled the pot again and it was solid , no more jumping around ... I concluded the Mullards were unstable and would fluctuate up and down the longer they were on , (not good for gigging) , so I put a set of EH6CA7's I had in, reset the bias and the results are great, stable non fluctuating and the volume returned , I guess either the reissue Mullards don't like running at 70% for long periods, or they become unstable when running hot for long periods OR I got a bad set of tubes ... I'm liking the 6CA7's a lot, much more glassy , tighter bottom end and less compressed . It's personal choice I know , but so far I'm digging them ... Anyway I thought I'd share my latest findings , I've read many times on the net that the Mullard reissues are fantastic , They may be but my experience is different and I'm going with that - rock on everyone
Express Combo 1 x 12
In Show us your builds!
Jan 19, 2024
Hi Brains trust , quick question , I'm getting some harsh grainy sounds on selected notes on the guitar , mainly low E and A strings around the 5th fret ... at first I thought it may be in the speaker , but I changed it and it's still there . If I bias the amp to around 65% - 70% plate Diss then it's only occasionally that it occurs , but as the amp warms up it gets more frequent .... I've played with the lead dress, chopsticked the whole amp , it's doing my head in , As I'm not very familiar with the Express circuit in detail , I was hoping someone could point me in a direction to solve this. the GEOFX Debug site has this - Ugly sounding distortion can take several forms. Harsh grainy sound • Output tubes biased 'way too cold • Rubbing or torn speaker cone • Rarely, the amp can be oscillating ultrasonically and still get some sound through, with a harsh, ugly sound. Sound cuts out or squawks on loud notes • Failing coupling capacitor • Failing plate resistor, cathode bypass cap, cathode resistor or grid resistor • Intermittent ultrasonic oscillation Muffled or constricted sound • Failing preamp tube; find the offending section by tube swapping and see if a good tube fixes the problem • Low signal tube bias is pushing it into saturation or cutoff. Measure operating voltages on the preamp tubes. The problem section will have tube pin voltages that are 'way off normal. • Failing coupling capacitors from the preceeding stage. • Failing plate resistor, cathode bypass capacitor, cathode resistor, or grid resistor • Power supply problem; a dropping resistor may have drifted far from it's nominal value, changing the power supply voltage enough to cause this. I've tested all these possibilities , but to no avail , any advise would be appreciated regards Watto
Deluxe Reverb Build
In Show us your builds!
Jan 14, 2024
very nice
E-Lator build underway
In Show us your builds!
Jul 19, 2023
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E-Lator build underway
In Show us your builds!
Jul 19, 2023
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Dumbleator Transformer
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